Running a start-up has to be like running a business! You have to love it!

Love is necessary for a startup

In these months the start-up incubator that Wish Days launched has received around 100 application by candidates who have “The Idea” but who are still looking for someone to invest on it.

As far as I’m concerned, and I wish to make clear that my opinion is personal and grounded on my experience, I think that the concept of entrepreneur (that is to say “running a business”) has been progressively distinguished from that of “running a start-up”. Why do I say this?

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Why this blog

Dear All,

during these years I’ve read thousands of stories about start-ups from all over the world. I’ve noticed the growth of attention towards this phenomenon which has almost become a trend.

When I launched my start-up in 2006, little was still known on technologies, difficulties and best practices in the field. At the time I would have probably made less mistakes if there had been all the information it is now available on this topic.

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Welcome! Let’s talk about histories of startups not successfully


Dear All,

I am an Italian entrepreneur which started up a blog in Italy discussing about histories of startups which weren’t able to succeed in the market.

This Italian blog is having an unbeliveble (for me) success and lots of people were suggesting to write also an English version, so here I am.

My goal is just discussing about histories of startups which weren’t able to succeed in the market. I believe, as an entrepreneur, that these stories could be of a great interest for those wishing to start up a business or for those who are already entrepreneurs.

That’s why I will  try to share these interests with you, I hope you will enjoy!

Of course I will welcome all contributions and suggestions.

Thanks, ciao




The Italian version of this blog is here.